Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dolls I've Been Working On........

     I've been working on a couple of dolls lately, this tiny gal I put together for a friend, I used this base body. And used watercolor pencils and soft pastels to paint her all up. She has a fur wig. And I designed and made the dress she's wearing. Was so much fun putting her together! :D

This photo turned out so pretty!

     Also been working on a baby doll for myself. :) Top photo is what she looked like when I bought it.

In the process of being painted.

     The pure dark purple eyes that arrived yesterday! So excited about her coming together. I think I've found fabric for the body, it's out of stock right now. But as soon as it's back, I'm going to order some. :D

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hair Play.....

     So I've been playing with hair dye and a friend of mine just has to know what it looks like. Hence, I decided to post a couple of photos here of my crazy new color!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New Projects

    Well the nanny job has ended. Was good for the time it lasted, but was time for me to move on. I'm now working for a doll shop/electric shop and love it! It's been a dream come true kinda job. :)
     Since I have a little more time on my hands for now, I've picked up some projects that have been laying around. So right now I'm working on a knit guy doll for my brother. It was suppossed to be his christmas gift two years ago and I'm just now getting to it, so it's about time I get it done! Having fun figuring out how I'm gonna make everything he wants and get it finished.
     I have so many projects that I need to finish. Clothes that need repaired, a stuffed badger to put together and make clothes for, a medieval style dress that needs embrodered and put together, and I'm sure I'll find other things as I go along!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Clothes for Satomi

So I finally am getting around to updating this blog! Here are some photos of Satomi's casual outfit I made awhile ago. Just took her out one morning and decided to have a little photo shoot. :)

Laid back in the plants.

Just to prove that she really can do it, ONE FOOT!!!

I love how this one turned out! The lighting was perfect and the flowers were the perfect touch!

This is a new outfit I'm working on. It is more what I originally planned for her to wear. Still has a long way to go though! I plan to make a belt of some sort to go with the dress, I'm going to try making her some black leather heels and fingerless gloves. :D

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Waiting for Arrietty....

     So I've been anxiously awaiting the arrival of "The Secret World of Arrietty" in the US. It's been out in Japan for two years now and I've been waiting all that time. I was going to go see it in theaters when it came out here in the US.
     Well things got away from me and when I finally checked to see what the last date was, it was that very same day I checked and I had missed the last showing by fifteen minutes. Ugh! Today I was looking to see when it will come out on dvd. The date online said June 14th 2012, sigh, guess I have to wait a little longer...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Little Knit Doll.....

     I made this doll for the baby I take care of. I used a pattern for the doll herself, but custom designed the outfit and hair myself. Had lots of fun putting her together!

 Lots of curly hair!

Friday, March 2, 2012

African Dress For Doll

     Finally got around to taking some photos of the African dress for Tenagne. I based it off of a real African dress. Was so excited to finally have an African dress for my girl!
    I had lots of fun putting the pattern together and making the dress. I've been planning for years to make her an African dress, because that is her heritage. So when I saw the authentic dress, I just had to make one for Tenagne!

 Love the look on her face in this one!
 Up close on the details.

Back view of the dress.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Hair and Other Such Things.....

     So I've been busy and haven't gotten around to posting lately. Sorry for taking so long to get stuff up. I've started school and am looking forward to having my GED. But to get there means lots of homework, so I'm quite busy of late.
     I made a new wig for Satomi. The pink one was really fading, it was almost white, which is not what I wanted. So here are some photos of her in her gorgeous red hair! I really like this new wig better. I think it brings out her facial features better than the pink one did.

She looks so cute relaxing in her chair!

     I made an African dress for my African- American doll. I am planning to take some photos and put them on here, but at the moment I'm working on styling her hair. Which takes several hours. So perhaps in a few days. :)