Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Life and it's adventures.....

It's been a very long time since I've updated my blog and decided it was time I get back to it again!

I married my best friend in December of 2013! Moved to upstate New York, where I am thoroughly enjoying the cool weather. And now we are expecting our first wee one in December of this year!

I'm planning on making lots of knit items for our little one. Especially with how cold it gets up here in winter. So I thought I'd post updates here of what I've knitted. Hats, booties, and jackets are in my future!

Also I've started a making reborn dolls. Which I'm highly excited about! Below are a few photos of the ones I've made so far...

 Rachel is the first doll I made. Newborn size, she had some challenges along 
the way. I use two different kits, the head was from one and the arms and legs were another
kit. It took some work to get the vinyl to match up, but she turned out beautifully in the end!

 Lily is the second one I made. She's a micro preemie, which was challenging 
with just her size. I had a hard time finding diapers and clothing for her. Probably
won't make another her size. Though she is adorable. ^_^

 Paige is the most recent doll I've made. Another newborn sized baby. She was 
wonderful to work with and I'm immensely pleased with how she turned out!